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一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在( )内。s9d篇语网

( )1. A. grandma B. grandpa C. ice-creams9d篇语网

( )2. A. dad B. teacher C. moms9d篇语网

( )3. A. boy B. girl C. students9d篇语网


( )1.— is that man? B:He is my grandfather.s9d篇语网

A. What B. Whos9d篇语网

( ) 2.—外研版小学三年级第二学期英语期中考试题:Who’s that ? B:She’s my grandmother.s9d篇语网


( )3. A: Who’s that _______? B: She’s my mother.s9d篇语网

A. man B. woman C. girl D. boys9d篇语网

( )4. A: Who’s that man? B: _________ is my father.s9d篇语网

A. He B. She C. he D. shes9d篇语网

( ) 5. A: Who’s that woman? B: ________ my mother.s9d篇语网

A. She’s B. she’s C. he’s D. He’ss9d篇语网

( )6. This _________ my friend, Ann. She ______ from America.s9d篇语网

A. is… am B. is …is C. Is … am D. Is …iss9d篇语网

( )7. A: Who’ this ______? B: He’s my brother.s9d篇语网

A. boy B. girls9d篇语网

( ) 8. A: Who’ this girl? B: ________ my sister.s9d篇语网

A. He’s B. She’ss9d篇语网

( )9. A: Let’s watch TV. B: ___________!s9d篇语网

A. Great B. Welcomes9d篇语网

( )10. I s she your sister?s9d篇语网

A、. No, she is B. Yes, she iss9d篇语网


( )1. What's your name? A. I'm from China. ( )2. Where are you from? B. He's my grandpa. ( )3. Who's that man? C. My name is Tutu.s9d篇语网


( )1. — Who is that woman? A. mother —She is my . B. fathers9d篇语网

( ) 2. — Who is that man? A. grandmother —He is my . B. grandfathers9d篇语网

( ) 3. — Who is that boy? A. sister —He is my . B. brothers9d篇语网

( ) 4.—Who is this ? A. woman —She is my sister. B. girls9d篇语网

( ) 5. — Who is that ? A. man —He is my father. B. womans9d篇语网

( ) 6. — Who is that woman? A. grandmother —She is my . B. grandfathers9d篇语网

( ) 7. —What a big ! A. goose —Wow! B. fishs9d篇语网

( ) 8. —Have some ,please! A. ice-cream — Thank you. B. ices9d篇语网

( ) 9. — What do you like? A. hot dogs —I like . B. hamburgerss9d篇语网

( ) 10.—Let’s . A. read books —Great! B. watch TVs9d篇语网


( )1. 不知道那个男孩是谁,你会问: A. Who’s that man? B. Who’s that boy? C. Who’s she?s9d篇语网

( )2. 向妈妈介绍你的朋友迈克,你说: A. This is my friend, Mike. B. What’s your name? C. He is Mike.s9d篇语网

( )3. 下午见到怀特小姐,你说: A. Good morning, Miss White. B. Good afternoon, Miss White. C. Good evening, Miss White.s9d篇语网

( )4、如何询问“你来自哪里?” A、Where are you from?. B、How are you?. C、Nice to meet you.s9d篇语网

( )5、如何表达“我来自美国。” A、I’m from China. B、I’m from America C、I’m from Canada.s9d篇语网

( )6、第一次与别人见面时,可说: A、How old are you? B、 I’m sorry. C 、Nice to meet you.s9d篇语网

( )7、如何介绍你的朋友: A、My name’s Chen Jie. B、 I’m from America. C 、This is my friend,Amy.s9d篇语网

( )8. ----We have a new friend today! ----_________ A. Welcome! B. Good morning!s9d篇语网

( )9、.----Hi,I’m Amy.I am from_______UK. A. a B. the C. /s9d篇语网

( )10.----Hi,I’m Mike .I am from_______Canada A. a B. the C. /s9d篇语网

六、 根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(7分)s9d篇语网

( ) 1. Is she your sister? A. Hello, John.s9d篇语网

( ) 2. Who’s that boy? B. Nice to meet you, too.s9d篇语网

( ) 3. How old are you ? C. No, she is my friend.s9d篇语网

( ) 4. Hello, Amy. D. She’s my grandma.s9d篇语网

( ) 5. Nice to meet you. E. He’s my brother.s9d篇语网

( ) 6. Who’s that woman? F. Thank you.s9d篇语网

( ) 7. Have some bread. G. I’m 10 years old..s9d篇语网

七、这是Ann的家谱树,请帮她把相对应的人物名称的序号填在( )内。(12分)s9d篇语网

A. brother B. sister C. father D. mother E. grandmother F. grandfathers9d篇语网


一、 请将下列字母和单词按正确的英语格式写到格子上。s9d篇语网

A g f doll apple ships9d篇语网


B h Q R ys9d篇语网

三、Listen and choose.听录音,选句子。s9d篇语网

1.( )What’s this? A .They’re monkeys.s9d篇语网

2.( ) What are they? B.It’s a tiger.s9d篇语网

3.( )It’s an elephant. C.. They’re fat.s9d篇语网

4.( )They’re lions . D.It’s big.s9d篇语网


( )1、1、A. apple B. banana C. meats9d篇语网

( )2、A. dog B. noodles C. rices9d篇语网

( )3、A. coffee B. pear C.teas9d篇语网

( )4、A.milk B. book C. pens9d篇语网

( )5、A. bike B. bus C. sweaters9d篇语网


1.( )Pass _____ the pencil, please.s9d篇语网

A. me B. my C. Is9d篇语网

2.( )_____you like meat, Lingling?s9d篇语网

A. Do B. Does C. /s9d篇语网

3. ( ) --- Does your mother like rice? ---Yes,_______.s9d篇语网

A. she doesn’t B. she does C. she don’ts9d篇语网

4. ( )Look! Tom tea.s9d篇语网

A. like B. likes C. /s9d篇语网

5. ( )I like the small apple.s9d篇语网

A. am B. doesn’t C. don’ts9d篇语网


1( ) What’s that?s9d篇语网

2( ) Have you got a car?s9d篇语网

3( ) How do you go to school?s9d篇语网

4( )Is it a new dress?s9d篇语网

5( )Has Tom got a book?s9d篇语网


1( ) Do you like tigers?s9d篇语网

2( ) What do you have at school today?s9d篇语网

3( ) What do you do at the weekend?s9d篇语网

4( )Where is the pen?s9d篇语网

5( )Have you got a T-shirt?s9d篇语网


1( ) How do you go to school?s9d篇语网

2( ) Is this your dress?s9d篇语网

3( ) Has Tom got a book?s9d篇语网

4( )Have you got a doll?s9d篇语网

5( )Here’s a pencil for you.s9d篇语网


( )1. in winter A 下雨s9d篇语网

( )2. raining B 下雪s9d篇语网

( )3. snowing C 在冬天s9d篇语网

( )4. cool and windy D 炎热又晴朗s9d篇语网

( )5. hot and sunny E 凉爽又有风s9d篇语网

十、Choose and fill the blanks.选词填空。s9d篇语网

1. It’s Chinese _______ Year.s9d篇语网

2. We have a big family _______ at Spring Festival.s9d篇语网

3. We sing _______ at Christmas.s9d篇语网

4. We have Christmas in ______.s9d篇语网

5. ______ New Year!s9d篇语网

1. Look! It’s half _______ seven. Let’s go to school.s9d篇语网

2. I get up _______ six o’clock in the morning.s9d篇语网

3. I _______ TV in the afternoon.s9d篇语网

4. What’s the______, please? It’s two o’clock.s9d篇语网

5.I ______ breakfast at home.s9d篇语网

1. It’s _______ in summer.s9d篇语网

2. It’s very cold in _______ .s9d篇语网

3. We _______ fishing in autumn.s9d篇语网

4. We ______ kites in the park.s9d篇语网

5. The monkeys sleep______ the tree.s9d篇语网


1. tall---( ) 2. small---( ) 3. fat---( )s9d篇语网

十二、Read and choose.读句子,选出正确的图片。s9d篇语网

( )1. It’s half past nine. As9d篇语网

( )2. The girls get up in the afternoon. Bs9d篇语网

( )3. It’s nine o’clock. Cs9d篇语网

( )4. I go to school in the morning. Ds9d篇语网

( )5. It’s half past seven. Es9d篇语网

( )6. What are they? As9d篇语网

They are apples.s9d篇语网

( )7. Daming likes milk. Bs9d篇语网

( )8. Pass me the rice, please. Cs9d篇语网

( )9. I don’t like meat. Ds9d篇语网

( )10. My father likes noodles. Es9d篇语网



A H N E Qs9d篇语网

n q a h es9d篇语网


( )1. USA A.英国B. 中国 C.美国s9d篇语网

( )2. she A.他B.她C.女孩s9d篇语网

( )3.man A.男人B.女人C.朋友s9d篇语网

( )4.sister A.哥哥B.姐妹C.妈妈s9d篇语网

( )5.student A.朋友B.学生C.教师s9d篇语网


( )1. A. grandpa B. grandma C. teachers9d篇语网

( )2. A. boy B. girl C. news9d篇语网

( )3. A. teacher B. pupil C. froms9d篇语网

( )4. A. mother B. father C. womans9d篇语网

( )5. A. UK B. Canada C. Englishs9d篇语网


( )1.mum A. mothers9d篇语网

( )2.woman B. hes9d篇语网

( )3.father C. mans9d篇语网

( )4.boy D. girls9d篇语网

( )5.she E. dads9d篇语网


( ) 1.Who’s that man ? _______is my father .s9d篇语网

A. She B. He C. She’ss9d篇语网

( ) 2.That _______ is my grandpa .s9d篇语网

A. woman B.man C. boys9d篇语网

( )3.Where are you from ? _______s9d篇语网

A. I’m a boy . B. I’m in China . C. I’m from the UK .s9d篇语网

( )4.Today we have two new ________.s9d篇语网

A. friend B. friends C .boys9d篇语网

( )5.Hi ,Mum,_______.She is my friend .s9d篇语网

A. this is Amy B. he’s Johns9d篇语网

( )6.Hi,Sam ! This is my friend ,Amy .s9d篇语网


A. Thank you B .Good morning C. Nice to meet yous9d篇语网

( )7.—_____is that woman ? —She’s my teacher .s9d篇语网

A. What B. Who C. Hows9d篇语网

( )8. Who’s that boy ? He’s my________.s9d篇语网

A. brother B. sister C .mans9d篇语网

( )9.Zhang Peng ______from Shandong.s9d篇语网

A. am B. is C. ares9d篇语网

( )10. This ______my new teacher .s9d篇语网

A. am B. are C. iss9d篇语网






