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小克 分享







science科学 museum博物馆 post office邮局HNP篇语网

bookstore书店 cinema 电影院 hospital医院HNP篇语网

crossing 十字路口 turn转弯 left 左HNP篇语网

straight笔直地 right右 ask问HNP篇语网

interesting有趣的 Italian意大利的 restaurant餐馆HNP篇语网

pizza比萨饼 street大街;街道 get到达HNP篇语网

feature特点 follow跟着 far较远的HNP篇语网


1、Where is the science museum?科学博物馆在哪里?HNP篇语网

2、It’s next to the cinema.它的电影院的旁边。HNP篇语网

3、There is a crossing.这是一个十字路口。HNP篇语网

4、I will ask.我会问的。HNP篇语网

5、Excuse me, sir.打扰一下,先生。HNP篇语网

6、What an interesting movie!一部多么有趣的电影!HNP篇语网

7、Where is the Italian restaurant?意大利饭店在哪里?HNP篇语网

8、I like pizza.我喜欢披萨。HNP篇语网

9、Clean the street.打扫街道。HNP篇语网

10、How can I get there?我怎么才能到那儿?HNP篇语网

11、He gave me a book.他给了我一本书。HNP篇语网

12、Her eyes are her best feature.她的眼睛是她最有特点的地方。HNP篇语网

13、Please follow me.请跟着我。HNP篇语网

14、Is it far?它远吗?HNP篇语网



on foot步行 by乘 bus公共汽车 plane飞机HNP篇语网

taxi出租汽车 ship船 subway地铁 train火车HNP篇语网

slow慢的 down减少 stop停下 early早到的HNP篇语网

helmet头盔 must必须 wear戴 attention注意HNP篇语网

traffic交通 sled雪橇 fast快的 ferry轮渡HNP篇语网


1、I usually come on foot.我通常走路来。HNP篇语网

2、I often by bike.我经常骑自行车。HNP篇语网

3、Slow down and stop.放慢速度停下。HNP篇语网

4、We must stop and wait.我们必须停下来等待。HNP篇语网

5、I have a helmet.我有一个头盔。HNP篇语网

6、I must do my homework.我必须做作业。HNP篇语网

7、You must wear a jacket.你必须穿一件夹克。HNP篇语网

8、Pay attention to the car.小心车。HNP篇语网

9、I must pay attention to the traffic lights.我必须注意交通信号灯。HNP篇语网

10、It’s fast.它是快的。HNP篇语网



visit拜访 film电影 trip旅行 supermarket超市HNP篇语网

evening晚上 tonight在今晚 tomorrow明天 dictionary词典HNP篇语网

comic滑稽的 word单词 postcard明信片 lesson课HNP篇语网

space太空 travel旅行 half一半 price价格HNP篇语网

together一起 poem诗 moon月亮 mooncake月饼HNP篇语网


看电影see a film 去旅行 take a trip 下周next weekHNP篇语网

连环漫画comic book 单词书word bookHNP篇语网

中秋节Mid-Autumn FestivalgetHNP篇语网


1、I visit my grandparents. 我拜访我的祖父母。HNP篇语网

2、We are going to see a film .我们打算去看电影。HNP篇语网

3、Are you going to see a film?你打算去看电影吗?HNP篇语网

4、We are going to see a film about space trip.HNP篇语网


5、I want to take a trip.我想要去旅行。HNP篇语网

6、When are you going to supermarket?你什么时候去超市?HNP篇语网

7、I’m going to go there this evening.我今晚要去那里。HNP篇语网

8、What are you going to do tonight?你今晚想做什么?HNP篇语网

9、I’m going to the cinema tomorrow.明天我打算去电影院。HNP篇语网

10、My cousin jack is going to visit me next week.HNP篇语网


11、I’m going to buy a dictionary.我打算买一本词典。HNP篇语网

12、Do you have comic books?你有连环漫画吗?HNP篇语网

13、I’m going to buy a comic book.我打算买一本连环漫画。HNP篇语网

14、Do you have word book books?你有单词书吗?HNP篇语网

15、I’m going to buy some word books.我打算买一些单词书。HNP篇语网

16、Where is my postcard? 我的明信片在哪里?HNP篇语网

17、I’m going to have an art lesson. 我打算上美术课。HNP篇语网

18、We are going to see a film about space travel.HNP篇语网


19、I want to travel.我想要去旅行。HNP篇语网

20、It’s half past four now.现在四点半了。HNP篇语网

21、The price is high.价格很高。HNP篇语网

22、Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival.明天是中秋节。HNP篇语网

23、We will all be together tonight.今晚我们都会在一起。HNP篇语网

24、You can get together with your family.你能和你的家人聚会。HNP篇语网

25、We eat mooncake.我们吃月饼。HNP篇语网

26、We are going to read a poem.我们打算读一首诗。HNP篇语网

27、We tell stories about moon.我们讲关于月亮的故事。HNP篇语网



studies学习 puzzle谜 hiking远足HNP篇语网

pen pal笔友 hobby 业余爱好 jasmine茉莉HNP篇语网

idea想法,主意 amazing令人惊奇的 share 分享HNP篇语网

goal射门 join加入 club俱乐部HNP篇语网


1、He studies Chinese.他学习中文。HNP篇语网

2、Does he like doing word puzzles?他喜欢玩字谜吗?HNP篇语网

3、Does he like going hiking?他喜欢远足吗?HNP篇语网

4、Can I be your pen pal?我能成为你的笔友吗?HNP篇语网

5、What’s your hobby?你的业余爱好是什么?HNP篇语网

6、He lives in Canberra.他住在堪培拉。HNP篇语网

7、Shall we dance?我们能跳舞吗?HNP篇语网

8、Join our football club .加入我们的足球俱乐部。HNP篇语网

9、We can share.我们能分享。HNP篇语网



factory工厂 worker工人 postman邮递员HNP篇语网

businessman商人,企业家 police officer警察 fisherman渔民HNP篇语网

scientist科学家 pilot飞行家 coach教练HNP篇语网

country国家 head teacher校长 sea大海HNP篇语网

stay保持 university大学 gym体育馆HNP篇语网

if如果 reporter记者 use使用HNP篇语网

type打字 quickly迅速地 secretary秘书HNP篇语网


1、His father has a factory.他的爸爸有一个工厂。HNP篇语网

2、Is his father a worker?他的爸爸是一位工人吗?HNP篇语网

3、Is his father a postman?他的爸爸是一位邮递员吗?HNP篇语网

4、I want to be a businessman.我想要成为一位商人。HNP篇语网

5、I want to be a police officer.我想要成为一名警察。HNP篇语网

6、I want to be a fisherman.我想要成为一位渔民。HNP篇语网

7、I want to be a scientist.我想要成为一名科学家。HNP篇语网

8、I want to be a pilot.我想要成为一名飞行家。HNP篇语网

9、I want to be a coach.我想要成为一名教练。HNP篇语网

10、She often goes to other countries.她经常去别的国家。HNP篇语网

11、She is a head teacher.她是一位校长。HNP篇语网

12、He works at sea.他在海里工作。HNP篇语网

13、He stays healthy.他保持健康。HNP篇语网

14、I wants to work in a university.我想要在一所大学里工作。HNP篇语网

15、I wants to work in a gym.我想要在一家体育馆工作。HNP篇语网

16、If you like sports,you can be a player.HNP篇语网


17、You can be a reporter.你能成为一名记者。HNP篇语网

18、She likes using computer.她喜欢使用电脑。HNP篇语网

19、She can type.她会打字。HNP篇语网

20、She can type very quickly.她打字很快。HNP篇语网

21、You can be a secretary.你能成为一名秘书。HNP篇语网



angry 生气的 afraid 害怕 sad难过的HNP篇语网

worried担心的 happy高兴的 see a doctor看病HNP篇语网

wear 穿 more更多的 deep深的HNP篇语网

breath呼吸 take a breath深深吸一口气count数数HNP篇语网

count to ten数到十 chase追赶 mice老鼠HNP篇语网

bad坏的,邪恶的 hurt受伤 ill有病,不舒服HNP篇语网

wrong 有毛病 should应该 feel觉得,感到HNP篇语网

well健康,身体好 sit坐 grass草坪HNP篇语网

hear听见 ant蚂蚁 worry担心,担忧HNP篇语网

stuck陷住,无法移动 mud泥 pull拉,拽HNP篇语网



1、I am angry.我生气了。HNP篇语网

2、The cat is afraid.猫很害怕。HNP篇语网

3、Sarah is sad.萨拉很难过。HNP篇语网

4、I’m worried.我很担心。HNP篇语网

5、They are happy.他们很高兴。HNP篇语网

6、You should see a doctor.你应该去看病。HNP篇语网

7、You should wear warm clothes.你应该穿暖和的衣服。HNP篇语网

8、You should do more exercise.你应该多做运动。HNP篇语网

9、You should take a deep breath and count to ten.你应该深呼吸,数到十。HNP篇语网

10、You should take a deep breath.你应该深呼吸。HNP篇语网

11、I should take a deep breath.我应该深呼吸。HNP篇语网

12、I should count to ten.我应该数到十。HNP篇语网

13、You should count to ten.你应该数到十。HNP篇语网

14、Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now.HNP篇语网


15、Why is the cat angry with the mice.猫为什么对老鼠生气?HNP篇语网

16、Because the mice are bad.因为老鼠是坏的。HNP篇语网

17、They hurt people.它们伤害人。HNP篇语网

18、The cat is ill.猫生病了HNP篇语网

19、What’s wrong?怎么了?HNP篇语网

20、What should I do?我应该怎么做?HNP篇语网

21、How does Sam feel?萨姆感觉怎样?HNP篇语网

22、Not well.不太好。HNP篇语网

23、Please don’t sit on me.别坐在我身上。HNP篇语网

24、Robin is going to sit on the grass.罗宾打算坐在草地上。HNP篇语网

25、Then he hears, “Let us help you.”HNP篇语网


26、An ant.一只蚂蚁。HNP篇语网

27、Don’t worry.不要担心。HNP篇语网

28、He is stuck in the mud.他被泥困住了。HNP篇语网

29、They pull Robin out of the mud.他们把罗宾从泥里拉出来。HNP篇语网

30、They pull Robin .他们拉罗宾。HNP篇语网

31、Everyone is happy.每个人都很开心。HNP篇语网



1. I go to (school) at 7:15.HNP篇语网

2. I do some (read) in the evening.HNP篇语网

3. I ave dinner for 40 (minute).HNP篇语网

4. How about (play) fooball?HNP篇语网

5. There are six (family) in the picture.HNP篇语网

6. you (like) football? Yes, we .HNP篇语网

7. I do some (write) for 20 minutes.HNP篇语网

8. It never (snow) in China in June.HNP篇语网

9. The children always do (they) homework at night.HNP篇语网

10. I (not) have dinner at home.HNP篇语网

11. How about (take) a long after after supper?HNP篇语网

12. I’m very happy (meet) you.HNP篇语网

13. They often learn English by (chant).HNP篇语网

14. My brother (play) football after school.HNP篇语网

15. you often (have) lessons on Sundays? No, we .HNP篇语网

16. The boy (write) a letter now.HNP篇语网

17. School (begin) at 9:00.HNP篇语网

18. I’m (read) an email from Lucy.HNP篇语网

19. Let me (tell) you something about my daily life.HNP篇语网

20. How about (take) a long walk after dinner?HNP篇语网

21. Lucy is very (friend) to me.HNP篇语网

22. School (end) at three in the afternoon.HNP篇语网

23. She (not go )out in the evening.HNP篇语网

24. My sister and I often (wash) clothes on Sunday.HNP篇语网

25. (not do) your homework now.HNP篇语网

26. She helps her mum (do) the housework.HNP篇语网

27. It never (snow) in China in June.HNP篇语网

28. She can ask him (help) her.HNP篇语网

29. Tell them (not sing) here, Lucy.HNP篇语网

30. Look, the dog (run) after a cat.HNP篇语网

31. What time your brother (get) home on weekdays?HNP篇语网

32. There (be) a basketball and some books on the table.HNP篇语网

33. Do you know your (father) birthday?HNP篇语网

34. Each of the students (have) a notebook.HNP篇语网

35. she (like) dancing?HNP篇语网

36. We (not have) lunch t home.HNP篇语网

37. She (play) games now.HNP篇语网

38. They are good at (swim)HNP篇语网

39. He often (walk) to school.HNP篇语网

40. (dance) monkey (dance) very well.HNP篇语网

41. It is difficult (learn) English.HNP篇语网


1. I’m reading an email Lucy.HNP篇语网

2. Let me tell you something my daily life.HNP篇语网

3. I g to school 7:30 every day.HNP篇语网

4. School is at 4:30 in the afternoon, then we go home.HNP篇语网

5. Please tell me email.HNP篇语网

6. I watch TV thirty minutes every day.HNP篇语网

7. The boy with me to school by bus every day.HNP篇语网

8. I go to school by bus.HNP篇语网

9. I’m an email Peter.HNP篇语网

10. He goes to bed at about ten every .HNP篇语网

11. Her father has lunch at home. Because he is very busy.HNP篇语网


( )1. We bike.HNP篇语网

A. are not have B. have no C. don’t have D. no haveHNP篇语网

( )2. The boy new friends.HNP篇语网

A. Have many B. has some C. have any D. has anyHNP篇语网

( )3. you an English book? Yes, I .HNP篇语网

A. Does, have,does B. Do, have, do C. Does, has, do D. Do, has, doHNP篇语网

( )4. Where Peter and Tom from?HNP篇语网

A. do, come B. does, come C. do, comes D. does, comesHNP篇语网

( )5. One of the girls Chinese.HNP篇语网

A. am B. is C. be D. areHNP篇语网

( )6. We can get there tomorrow. A. to B. at C. D. inHNP篇语网

( )7. everyone like the tea? A. Does B. Can C. Are D. DoHNP篇语网

( )8. How is your sister ? A. feeling B. to feel C. feel D. feelsHNP篇语网

( )9. I’m a teacher of maths, what you? A. to B. in C. about D. fromHNP篇语网

( )10. your homework in class.HNP篇语网

A. Don’t B. Don’t write C. Don’t do D. Aren’tHNP篇语网

( )11. My mum often comes and apples.HNP篇语网

A. picking B.pick C. picks D. is pickingHNP篇语网

( )12. We have classes 8:00 17:00.HNP篇语网

A. at, at B. about, about C. from, to D. about, atHNP篇语网

( )13. My mother is very busy. She goes shopping.HNP篇语网

A. always B. sometimes C. often D. seldomHNP篇语网

( )14. he like playing football? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. CanHNP篇语网

( )15. The boy often English by .HNP篇语网

A. learns, read B. learn, reads C. learns, reading D. learn, readHNP篇语网

( )16. I like , but my sister .HNP篇语网

A. cooking, doesn’t B. dook, don’t C. to cook, don’t D. cooking, cooksHNP篇语网

( )17. You can tell me your daily life email. A.for B.at C. by D. ofHNP篇语网

( )18. What you often at home?HNP篇语网

A. does, do B. are, do C. do, doing D. do, doHNP篇语网

( )19. You should practice your .HNP篇语网

A. listen B. istening C. listens D. to listenHNP篇语网

( )20. Peter always his mother the housework.HNP篇语网

A. helps, to do B. helps, does C. help, do D. help, to doHNP篇语网

( )21. He to bed at nine.HNP篇语网

A. doesn’t often go B. often doesn’t go C. not often go D. go oftenHNP篇语网

( )22. He goes to school again 13:30 the afternoon.HNP篇语网

A. At, on B. at, in C. in, at D. on, atHNP篇语网

( )23. That question . I can’t answer it.HNP篇语网

A. easy B. is easy C. difficult D. is difficultHNP篇语网

( )24. Our teacher tells us in the street.HNP篇语网

A. not play B. no play C. not to play D. no playingHNP篇语网

( )25. It is raining now, but he wants to waitfor her.HNP篇语网

A. don’t B. still C. doesn’t D. alsoHNP篇语网

( )26. Her mother starts lunch.HNP篇语网

A. cooks B. to cook C. cook D. is cookingHNP篇语网

( )27. It’s eleven o’clock, but he .HNP篇语网

A. still B. still working C. is still working D. still is workingHNP篇语网

( )28. Let’s look his school bag. A. out B.in C. of D. insideHNP篇语网

( )29. What do you have lunch school?HNP篇语网

A. /, in B. for, in C. a, of D. for, atHNP篇语网

( )30. day, we go to school bike.HNP篇语网

A. One, on B. Every, by C. A, in D. One, atHNP篇语网

( )31. We should be when we cross the street.HNP篇语网

A. care B. careful C. carefuly D. carefullyHNP篇语网

( )32. The boy likes , but in winter he doesn’t like .HNP篇语网

A. swimming, to swim B. to swim, swimmingHNP篇语网

B. swimming, swim D. swim, swimmingHNP篇语网

( )33. you can’t write, just draw pictures.HNP篇语网

A. If B. So C. But D. OfHNP篇语网


1. 让我告诉你一些关于我日常生活的事。HNP篇语网

Let you something my .HNP篇语网

2. 早上九点开始上课。 School nine the morning.HNP篇语网

3. 每天下午三点三十分放学。HNP篇语网

School at every afternoon.HNP篇语网

4. 晚饭后我看书或看电视。 Dinner, I do or watch TV.HNP篇语网

5. 你可以通过电子邮件告诉我。 You can me .HNP篇语网

6. 谢谢你的帮助。 you your .HNP篇语网

7. 很高兴收到你的电子邮件。I’m very your email.HNP篇语网

8. 露西一天上六节课。Lucy six day.HNP篇语网

9. 学生们通过做游戏学习英语。Students English games.HNP篇语网

10. 饭后他经常散步或给我读英语故事。HNP篇语网

After dinner he often or English stories me.HNP篇语网

11. 我每天在家练习绘画。I at home every day.HNP篇语网

12. 带来几张你家人或朋友的照片。HNP篇语网

a photos of your or your .HNP篇语网

13. 周日我经常和父母去看电影。HNP篇语网

I often go and a my parents Sunday.HNP篇语网

14. 弹钢琴很难。 is to .HNP篇语网

15. 有时候他帮妈妈做家务。HNP篇语网

Sometimes she her mum the housework.HNP篇语网

16. 我们应该想她学习。We her.HNP篇语网


1. She has supper at home every day.HNP篇语网

2. There are some pictures on teh wall.(否定句)HNP篇语网

3. The boy often flies the kite on Sunday. (一般疑问)HNP篇语网

4. We often go to work on foot.HNP篇语网

5. My best friend is from Britain. (同义句)HNP篇语网

6. We have seven classes every day.(否定句)HNP篇语网

7. Tom doesn’t watch TV in the evening. (肯定句)HNP篇语网

8. Sheoften learn English by singing and chanting.HNP篇语网

9. She has four lessons a day.HNP篇语网

10. He rides his bike to school every day.(同义句)HNP篇语网

11. Jim does housework at home. (否定句)HNP篇语网

12. I often take a walk with my friend. (用she 改写为主语)HNP篇语网

13. I do my homework at four. (用now 改写句子)HNP篇语网














