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( ) 26. . — Is AC Milan(AC米兰)      Italian football club?YiY篇语网

— Yes. It’s one of      most successful clubs in Italy.YiY篇语网

A. an; / B. an; the C. /; the D. /; /YiY篇语网

( ) 27. Lucy finally found _________exciting to have conversations with friends in Chinese.YiY篇语网

A. that B. this C. it D. it’sYiY篇语网

( ) 28. ---He dressed up ________a ghost last night. How scary!YiY篇语网

---Take it easy! He just played a trick ________us.YiY篇语网

A. in, on B. in, in C. as, on D. as, inYiY篇语网

( ) 29. There are      floors in the building and my home is on the      floor.YiY篇语网

A. twenty; fifteenth B. twenty; fifteen C. twentieth; fifteen D. twentieth; fifteenthYiY篇语网

( ) 30. — My grandpa learns English for two hours every day,      he is over 70.YiY篇语网

— Really? We should learn from him.YiY篇语网

A. because B. although C. since D. asYiY篇语网

( ) 31.— I haven’t got a partner     .YiY篇语网

— Maybe you can ask John for help.YiY篇语网

A. work with B. to work C. working with D. to work withYiY篇语网

( ) 32. ---________does she study English?YiY篇语网

---________ working with a group.YiY篇语网

A. How, By B. How, In C. How often, For D. What, AtYiY篇语网

( ) 33. The more careful you are, ________mistakes you’ll make.YiY篇语网

A. fewer B. less C. the fewer D. the lessYiY篇语网

( ) 34. After a 3-week winter vacation, students usually  _____  some weight when they return to school.YiY篇语网

A. put away B. put up C. put in D. put onYiY篇语网

( ) 35. Physics      much easier for me since Mrs. Yang began to teach us.YiY篇语网

A. have been B. has been C. was D. wereYiY篇语网

( ) 36. — You really went to the park last weekend?YiY篇语网

— Yes, I      go there. Look! This is a photo of me in the park.YiY篇语网

A. will B. would C. do D. didYiY篇语网

( ) 37. Jenny keeps two pets. One is a dog, _________is a rabbit.YiY篇语网

A. another B. an other C. the other D. otherYiY篇语网

( ) 38. — Look at the photo I took in Chiang Mai, Yunnan Province. ________  the Dai people were having!YiY篇语网

— Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival.YiY篇语网

A. What fun B. How fun C. What a fun D. How a funYiY篇语网

( ) 39. You should learn to think while reading. Usually, behind the lines(文字)      the writer’s true meaning.YiY篇语网

A. lie B. lies C. have D. hasYiY篇语网

( ) 40. Old Henry is __________man that he never lends anything to others.YiY篇语网

A. so mean B. so a mean C. such mean D. such a meanYiY篇语网

( ) 41. — Will we have dinner at the Hope Restaurant?YiY篇语网

— Maybe. We’ll go there if the show      before 6. But I don’t know if thereYiY篇语网

any free tables then.YiY篇语网

A. will end; were B. will end; will be C. ends; were D. ends; will beYiY篇语网

( ) 42. Everything depends on ________ it is fine tomorrow.YiY篇语网

A. if B. what C. how D. whetherYiY篇语网

( ) 43. Our geography teacher said that the earth__________ around the sun.YiY篇语网

A. went B. going C. to go D. goesYiY篇语网

( ) 44. — Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some     ?YiY篇语网

— Sure. There’s a post office at the first crossing.YiY篇语网

A. snacks B. stamps C. umbrellas D. bananasYiY篇语网

( ) 45. — I am going back to America for Thanksgiving Day.YiY篇语网

—     . And we will miss you.YiY篇语网

A. Enjoy yourself B. You’re welcomeYiY篇语网

C. That’s interesting D. The same to youYiY篇语网



Jack was a hard-working student when young but he had some big problems. He used to be shy before his classmates. So he had 46 friends at school. Bob was a new student in his class. All the students were soon familiar (熟悉的) with him and got on well ___47__ him except(除了) Jack.YiY篇语网

One day, some boys put some money into Jack’s bag and Bob pretended (假装) to have __48 his money. Of course, they found the money in 49 bag at last.YiY篇语网

Jack felt shameful (可耻的) 50 he could not say anything about it. Soon his classmates called him a thief and 51 him in the school. His teachers also 52 that and called his parents to the school, too. Just then, Bob stood out and helped Jack make everything 53 .YiY篇语网

From that day, Jack and Bob 54 good friends. Bob often took Jack to take part in many activities and Jack became outgoing. Bob was weak in English and Jack often helped him 55 it. Now Jack became the monitor in his class, and he had more friends. He enjoyed the nice friendship and the school life.YiY篇语网

( ) 46. A. many B. few C. several D. newYiY篇语网

( ) 47. A. against B. like C. with D. forYiY篇语网

( ) 48. A. lost B. wasted C. found D. madeYiY篇语网

( ) 49. A. your B. their C. Bob’s D. Jack’sYiY篇语网

( ) 50. A. but B. if C. since D. unlessYiY篇语网

( ) 51. A. agreed with B. laughed at C. dealt with D. got excited aboutYiY篇语网

( ) 52. A. allowed B. faced C. developed D. believedYiY篇语网

( ) 53. A. clear B. easy C. hard D. wonderfulYiY篇语网

( ) 54. A. greeted B. met C. became D. lovedYiY篇语网

( ) 55. A. to B. in C. by D. withYiY篇语网



Welcome to Jiulong hotel and we will do all we can to make your stay an enjoyable one. We hope you will find the following useful to you.YiY篇语网

Meal timesYiY篇语网

Breakfast 7:30 - 9:30 amYiY篇语网

Lunch 12:00 - 2:00 pmYiY篇语网

Afternoon tea 4:00 - 5:30 pmYiY篇语网

Dinner 7:00 - 9:15 pmYiY篇语网

Tea, coffee, cakes and sandwiches can be brought to your rooms from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm except during the meal times listed above. Cold drinks in your rooms can be used at any time.YiY篇语网

Room cleaningYiY篇语网

The waiters will clean the room if you leave the room at any time between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.YiY篇语网


Please put your valuables in our safe (保险箱), or we can’t be responsible (负责的) for your loss.YiY篇语网


If you want to leave, please tell us before 6:30 pm of the day. Or you will have to pay for another day.YiY篇语网


To make sure of other people’s good rest, turn down the radio or the TV after 11:00 pm.YiY篇语网

( )56. The hotel serves (提供) the following foods in rooms EXCEPT(除了)     .YiY篇语网

A. coffee B. cakes C. candy D. cold drinksYiY篇语网

( )57. The underlined(下划线的) word “valuables” means “    ” in Chinese.YiY篇语网

A. 贵重物品 B. 行李 C. 随身物品 D. 包裹YiY篇语网

( )58. If you’re about to leave, you should tell the hotel before      of the day so as not to pay for another day.YiY篇语网

A. 10:00 am B. 4:00 pm C. 6:30 pm D. 11:00 pmYiY篇语网

( )59. You should      after 11:00 pm.YiY篇语网

A. watch TV B. turn down the TV C. clean your room D. turn off the radioYiY篇语网

( )60. What do we know from the reading above?YiY篇语网

A. The waiters in the hotel work for 8 hours a day.YiY篇语网

B. The hotel can look after your things in the room well.YiY篇语网

C. You can’t book (预定) a room in the hotel after 6:30 pm.YiY篇语网

D. Your room is cleaned when you leave between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.YiY篇语网


If man’s best friend is a dog, then who is a dog’s best friend? That would be Rover, Glow, Ivan, or Raina. These four dogs donated (捐献) blood to other dogs. And they did it without having to travel far from home. They visited an animal bloodmobile (血液车).YiY篇语网

Similar to the Red Cross vehicles for humans, the University of Pennsylvania’s animal bloodmobile goes to where the donors are to make it easier to give. Kym Marryott is manager of Penn’s Animal Blood Bank. “You don’t really think about it until you need it,” Marryott said. “Just like us, dogs need blood too.”YiY篇语网

Like humans, not every dog can donate blood. Dogs must have the correct blood type, weigh at least 55 pounds and be younger than 8 years old. About 150 dogs take part in the program. Each donates three or four pints a year, which can help animals suffering from illnesses like cancer or an accidental trauma (意外伤) like being hit by a car. One pint can save up to three dogs. Just like people, the dogs get a snack and a heart-shaped “U of P Blood Donor” sticker after giving. In addition, they receive free dog food to take home.YiY篇语网

Sandy Lucas brought her 7-year-old black dog, Raina, to the bloodmobile last week. “I was excited that she had the right blood which could help another dog out,” she said. “We’ll do it again.”YiY篇语网

( ) 61. Where did the dogs donate blood?YiY篇语网

A. In a zoo. B. In their homes.YiY篇语网

C. In an animal hospital. D. In an animal bloodmobile.YiY篇语网

( ) 62. Which of the following dogs can probably donate blood?YiY篇语网

A. Mary, 3 years old, 25 pounds. B. Kate, 6 years old, 60 pounds.YiY篇语网

C. Tony, 10 years old, 56 pounds. D. Cindy, 8 years old, 50 pounds.YiY篇语网

( ) 63. What can each dog get after donating blood?YiY篇语网

①A snack ②A suit of clothes ③Some dog foodYiY篇语网

④A heart-shaped sticker ⑤A toy carYiY篇语网

A. ①②③④ B. ①③⑤ C. ①④⑤ D. ①③④YiY篇语网

( ) 64. What can we infer(推断) from the underlined(划线的) sentence?YiY篇语网

A. Sandy Lucas feels excited that Raina can help other dogs.YiY篇语网

B. Sandy Lucas wants to get dog food for her dog.YiY篇语网

C. Sandy Lucas doesn’t think that donating blood is good for dogs.YiY篇语网

D. Sandy Lucas doesn’t want to come to the animal bloodmobile again.YiY篇语网

( ) 65. What’s the main idea of the passage?YiY篇语网

A. Dogs are always man’s best friends. B. An animal bloodmobile is very useful.YiY篇语网

C. Dogs can help dogs by donating blood. D. Dogs and people can get along well with each other.YiY篇语网


配对阅读 左栏是五则寻找宠物的启事,右栏是七则宠物招领的启事。请根据左右两栏的信息帮助宠物的主人找到丢失的宠物。YiY篇语网

( ) 66. Animal LOST 5/23/2024YiY篇语网

A black cat, old and thin. He's about 14 years old. Our children have grown up with him and he is part of our family. If you see him, please call us right away.YiY篇语网

Posted by: Debbie 6424111YiY篇语网

( ) 67. Animal LOST 6/5/2024YiY篇语网

Medium short haired, all black, about two years old, ears standing up, a very sweet dog.YiY篇语网

Posted by: Kori 3480542YiY篇语网

( )68. Animal LOST 5/4/2024YiY篇语网

A dog, 3 months old. She is brown with white hairs on her chest. Her eyes are greenish colored. Her nose is pink.YiY篇语网

Posted by: Senia 3405442YiY篇语网

( )69. Animal LOST 4/30/2024YiY篇语网

1/2 years old. She has big ears and white chest with white front legs. She is a small dog and weighs about 6 pounds. One of her front legs got hurt, so she walks with difficulties.YiY篇语网

Posted by: Jennifer Tomlinson 3607734YiY篇语网

( )70. Animal LOST 5/11/2024YiY篇语网

Our pet is a small, medium white haired, 4-year-old cat. She has two big eyes and they are bright green.YiY篇语网

Posted by: Lauren 2407131 A. I found a cat in my backyard around NW Street on May 11th, 2024. It's a small cat with white hairs and big green eyes. Please call Paul Smith at 9503341.YiY篇语网

B. A wounded(受伤的) dog was found at the corner of my house at Millplain on April 30th, 2024. She has white front legs and big ears. Please call me at 9108846.YiY篇语网

C. A white dog was found in our yard playingYiY篇语网

with our dog on March 23rd, 2024. She isYiY篇语网

a lovely big dog. There seems something wrong with one of her legs. Adamson at 8024156.YiY篇语网

D. Our kids found a cat close to our house atYiY篇语网

SW Alexander Street. It's a black cat. It isYiY篇语网

old and thin. Please call Gordon at 7768585.YiY篇语网

E. A cat was found in my garden on April 30th, 2024. It's old and thin. Please call Jeff at 8034477.YiY篇语网

F. A baby dog was found around KauffmanYiY篇语网

Street. It's about 3-5 months old. She hasYiY篇语网

green eyes and a pink nose. Please callYiY篇语网

Morrie at 9019968.YiY篇语网

G. I found a dog at Molalla Area on June 5th,YiY篇语网

2024. It's a small black dog, about 2 yearsYiY篇语网

old. Please call Larry at 7058864.YiY篇语网



I am Jackie Lee, an American Chinese. Let me tell you about my grandfather's life story.YiY篇语网

My grandfather was 71 in 1932 and grew up in a poor village in Fujian, China. At the age of 14, he first heard of America. It was said to be the land of gold and poor people could easily become 72 there.YiY篇语网

So, my grandfather came to America. "I had thought it was easy to __73 money in America," he told me. "But when I 74 in Los Angeles, I realized it was not true. I couldn't find a good job because I spoke little English. I wanted to go to a language school to learn English, 75 I couldn't afford it. Later, I worked in a small ___76_ , serving the guests, cleaning up the tables, washing the dishes and sweeping the floors. I was such __77 helpful and honest worker that my boss was pleased with me. I was popular with my workmates, 78 . Life became easier and in the end I entered an evening school to learn English."YiY篇语网

My grandfather kept working hard, and finally made 79 dream come true. Things do not come easily in life. That is what I have learned 80 my grandfather.YiY篇语网

71.____________ 72.____________ 73. ____________ 74. ____________ 75. ____________YiY篇语网

76.____________ 77.____________ 78. ____________ 79. ____________ 80. ____________YiY篇语网




When I was 5 years old, I went to the USA with my mom. I can still remember the first Halloween holiday I had in the USA.YiY篇语网

On the morning of Halloween, we paid a visit to a pumpkin farm. Each of us brought a pumpkin to school with us. I used the pumpkin to make a lantern which had two triangle eyes and a scary mouth.YiY篇语网

In the afternoon, we put on the Halloween costumes(服装) and went on parade in school. Some of the costumes were nice, but some of them looked scary. I chose to wear a suit of Superman’s clothes.YiY篇语网

I did a lot of things that day, but my favorite part was “trick or treat” in the evening. After dinner, I went outside with an empty bag. I hoped to get a lot of candies from people. At first, I was a bit nervous, so when I knocked at the door, my heart was beating very fast. A lady came out, and I said carefully to her, “Trick or treat.” My voice was very low, and even myself could hardly hear it. To my surprise, the lady was so kind to give me two candy bars, and I was so excited, thanked the lady and moved on. I couldn’t remember how many houses I visited, but I could remember how many candies I got—I got 91 pieces of candy that day, and I was so proud of myself.YiY篇语网

What a happy Halloween I had! And I wish we could have a Halloween every month!YiY篇语网


My First Halloween in AmericaYiY篇语网


at Halloween In the morning Each of us visited a pumpkin farm and brought (81) ____  to school.YiY篇语网

In the afternoon We went on parade in school in(穿着) Halloween (82) ______ .YiY篇语网

In the evening “Trick or treat” was my (83) ______    part.YiY篇语网

At last I got 91 pieces of candy. This made me feel (84)_ __  of myself.YiY篇语网

Wish I wish there could have (85)  ________   every month!YiY篇语网

81._________________ 82.__________________ 83.__________________YiY篇语网

84._________________ 85.__________________YiY篇语网



26-30 BCCAB 31-35 DACDB 36-40 DCABD 41-45DDDBAYiY篇语网


46-50 BCADA 51-55 BDACDYiY篇语网


56-60 CACBD 61-65 DBDAC 66—70 DGFBAYiY篇语网


71 born 72. rich 73. make 74. arrived 75.butYiY篇语网

76. restaurant 77. a 78. too 79. his 80. fromYiY篇语网



81. a pumpkin 82. costumes 83. favorite 84. proudYiY篇语网

85. a HalloweenYiY篇语网



































