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莱德 分享






1.be good to对……友好be good for对……有益;be bad to…/be bad for…Up6篇语网

2.add up加起来 增加Up6篇语网

add up to合计,总计Up6篇语网



4.get sth/sb done使……完成/使某人被……Up6篇语网

5.calm down平静下来Up6篇语网

6.be concerned about关心,关注Up6篇语网

7.当while,when,before,after 等引导的时间状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致时,可将从句中的主语和be动词省去。Up6篇语网

While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose.Up6篇语网

8.cheat in the exam考试Up6篇语网

9.go through经历;度过;获准,通过Up6篇语网

10.hide away躲藏;隐藏Up6篇语网

11.set down写下,记下Up6篇语网

12.I wonder if…我不知道是不是…Up6篇语网

12.on purpose故意Up6篇语网

13.sth happen to sb某人发生某事Up6篇语网

sb happen to do sth某人碰巧做某事Up6篇语网

it so happened that……正巧 碰巧Up6篇语网

14.It is the first(second…)that…(从句谓语动词用现在完成时)Up6篇语网

15.in one’s power处于……的控制之中Up6篇语网

16.It’s no pleasure doing…做…没有乐趣Up6篇语网

It’s no good/use doing sth.做某事是没好处/没用的Up6篇语网

17.She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place.it做形式宾语Up6篇语网

18.suffer from患…病;遭受Up6篇语网


20.get tired of…对…感到劳累 疲惫Up6篇语网

21.have some trouble with sb/sth.在……上遇到了麻烦Up6篇语网

22.get along with sb/sth.与某人相处Up6篇语网

23.ask(sb)for advice.(向某人)征求建议Up6篇语网


make sb.do sth.让(使)某人做某事Up6篇语网

make sb./sth.+adj.使某人/物…Up6篇语网

make sb./oneself+v-ed 让某人/自己被…Up6篇语网

When you speak,you should make yourself understood.Up6篇语网

make sb.+n.使某人成为…Up6篇语网

25.alone /lonely.单独的/孤独的Up6篇语网

26.I would be grateful if…委婉客气提出请求Up6篇语网

27.Why not do…=why don’t you do…Up6篇语网


1.because of因为……(注意和because 的区别)Up6篇语网

2.even if(=even thoug)即使,用来引导让步状语从句Up6篇语网

3.come up走上前来,走近,发生,出现 come up with 追上,赶上,提出Up6篇语网

4.communicate with sb和某人交流Up6篇语网

5.be different from…与……不同Up6篇语网

be different in…在……方面不同Up6篇语网

Most of my projects are different in performance.我多数作品的演奏风格都不同。Up6篇语网

6.be based on以……为基础Up6篇语网

7.at present目前,眼下for the present眼前;暂时Up6篇语网

8.make(good/better/full)use ofUp6篇语网

9.the latter后者 the former前者Up6篇语网

10.a large number of大量的 the number of…的数量Up6篇语网

11.such as例如Up6篇语网

12.hold on坚持住,握住不放;(打电话时)等—会Up6篇语网

13.…you will hear the difference in the way(that/in which)people speak.Up6篇语网


14.play a role/part(in)在…中担任角色;在…中起作用;扮演一个角色Up6篇语网

15.the same…as…与……一样Up6篇语网

16.at the top of…在…顶上Up6篇语网

at the bottom of在……底部Up6篇语网

17.bring up教养,养育;提出Up6篇语网

18.request sb(not)to do sth.要求某人做/不要做某事Up6篇语网

19.be satisfied with…对……感到满意,满足于Up6篇语网

20.suggest v.(request,insist…)Up6篇语网

I suggested you do what he says.我建议你按照他说的去做。Up6篇语网

I suggest you not go tomorrow.我想你明天还是不要去了。Up6篇语网

His pale face suggested that he was in bad health.他苍白的脸色暗示了他身体不好。Up6篇语网

注意:insist 意思为“坚持要求”时后面的that从句用虚拟语气;如果insist 意为“强调,坚持认为”的时候,从句可以用任何所需要的时态。例如:She insisted that she didn’t tell a lie.她坚持认为她没撒谎。Up6篇语网

21.according to…按照…根据…Up6篇语网



Prefer doing…to doing…Up6篇语网

Prefer to do rather than doUp6篇语网


2.Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.从高中起,我姐姐王维和我就一直梦想做一次伟大的自行车旅行。Up6篇语网


It is/has been+一段时间+since+一般过去时自从……至今已经多久了。Up6篇语网

3.persuade sb to do sth=persuade sb into doing sth说服某人做某事Up6篇语网

4.强调句型It is/was+被强调部分+that/whoUp6篇语网



5.be fond of喜欢,喜爱Up6篇语网


① although 从句多在句首,though 从句可在主句前、中、后任何位置,而且though 可以作副词用于句末,作“但是,不过”讲,而although 无此用法。Up6篇语网

② as though(仿佛,好像),even though(即使,尽管)中不能用although。Up6篇语网

③ though 引导的让步状语从句可以倒装(将表语、状语、情态动词后的动词原形前置到句首,此用法同as),而 although 不可以。Up6篇语网

7.insist on doing sth/sth.一定要、坚持主张Up6篇语网

She insists on getting up early and playing her radio loudly.Up6篇语网


11.care about关心 在乎Up6篇语网

care for喜欢,照料,照顾Up6篇语网

12.change one’s mind改变主意Up6篇语网



Once you have begun you must continue.Up6篇语网

15.give in让步 give up 放弃Up6篇语网

16.instead of代替,而不是Up6篇语网

17.make up one’s mind to do下定决心做某事Up6篇语网

18.a large parcel of一大包Up6篇语网

19.as usual像往常一样Up6篇语网

20.put up our tent搭帐篷Up6篇语网

21.stay awake睡不着,醒着stay up熬夜Up6篇语网

22.for company做伴Up6篇语网

23.lie beneath the stars躺在星空下Up6篇语网

24.can hardly wait to do=can’t wait to do迫不及待做某事Up6篇语网

25.go in the right direction走正确的方向Up6篇语网

26.at a very slow pace.以很慢的速度Up6篇语网

27.be similar to类似于Up6篇语网

28.afford to do sth付得起,能承担Up6篇语网

29.be tired from因……而疲劳be tired of对……厌倦Up6篇语网

30.be in high spirits喜气洋洋,兴高采烈Up6篇语网

31.come true实现,成真Up6篇语网

32.give sb some advice on doing...Up6篇语网

33.a guide to………的指南Up6篇语网

34.on a tour在游览中,在巡演中Up6篇语网

35.in detail详细地Up6篇语网


1.right away毫不迟疑,立刻Up6篇语网

2.It seemed as if the world was at an end.世界似乎到了末日。Up6篇语网


① It seems/looks/appears as if/though…看起来好像…Up6篇语网

② Sb./Sth.looks as if/though…Up6篇语网

③ There seems/appears(to be)…Up6篇语网

There appears to have been a mistake.Up6篇语网

2.in ruins.变为废墟Up6篇语网


4.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.Up6篇语网

5.under the weight of在……重压下,迫于Up6篇语网

6.in the open air在户外,在野外,露天Up6篇语网

7.take turns to do sth依次,轮流做某事Up6篇语网

in turn依次地,轮流地Up6篇语网

8.be shocked at对……感到震惊Up6篇语网

9.be proud of以……为自豪Up6篇语网

10.express one’s thanks to sb/for sth…对/因……表示感谢Up6篇语网

11.without warning毫无预兆Up6篇语网

12.next to紧接着,相邻,次于Up6篇语网

13.get away from…避免,摆脱,离开Up6篇语网

14.disaster-hit areas灾区Up6篇语网

15.Listening to English is a very important skill because it is only when we understand what is said to us that we can have a conversation with somebody.Up6篇语网


16.It is believed that人们认为…Up6篇语网

17.hold up举起;托住;支撑列举,推举Up6篇语网

18.make up弥补,虚构,整理,和解,化妆,拼凑Up6篇语网

19.be trapped in被困于…Up6篇语网

20.It is said that…据说...Up6篇语网

21.be fixed to…被固定到……Up6篇语网

22.be tied to…被绑在……Up6篇语网


1.devotes…to doing奉于Up6篇语网

2.fight against对抗,反对,与……作斗争Up6篇语网


4.be free from免于,不受Up6篇语网

5.be in prison入狱,在狱中服刑Up6篇语网

6.the first man to do第一个…的人Up6篇语网

7.The time when I first met him was a very difficult period of my life.Up6篇语网


8.He was generous with his time,for which I was grateful.Up6篇语网


9.become out of work.失业Up6篇语网

10.hope that…/to doUp6篇语网

11.as soon as I could尽快,马上Up6篇语网

12.We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the government.Up6篇语网


13.Only 位于句首,修饰状语从句时,主句采用部分倒装的语序。Up6篇语网

Only in this way can you come up with a solution to the problem.Up6篇语网


14.as a matter of fact事实上Up6篇语网

15.blow up爆炸,打气Up6篇语网

16.be equal to和…平等Up6篇语网

17.in trouble处于困境 遇到麻烦Up6篇语网

18.be willing to do sth.愿意,乐于Up6篇语网

19.turn to变成;求助于,借助于,翻到,转向Up6篇语网

turn to sb forhelp 向某人求助Up6篇语网

20.lose heart灰心;泄气,丧失勇气,失去信心Up6篇语网

21.escape from逃脱,逃离,从……逃出Up6篇语网

22.should have done本应做而未做Up6篇语网

needn’t have done本不需要做而做了Up6篇语网

can’t have done过去不可能做过(对过去的否定推测)Up6篇语网

must have done对过去的肯定推测Up6篇语网

23.pass the exam.通过考试Up6篇语网

24.be better educated受到良好教育Up6篇语网

25.come to power执政Up6篇语网

26.be proud to do sth.be proud of sth为…而自豪Up6篇语网

27.set up创立,建立,架起,建造Up6篇语网

The company was set up ten years ago.公司是十年前建立的。Up6篇语网

28.be sentenced to…被判处……Up6篇语网

29.Do you have any thoughts on that你认为那怎么样?Up6篇语网

30.to my understanding按我的理解to my opinionUp6篇语网

31.be accepted by…被……录取、接受Up6篇语网

32.die from死于…(事故等外部原因)die of死于…(疾病等自身原因)Up6篇语网

33.under way正在进行Up6篇语网

34.point of view观点Up6篇语网

35.compete with…与……竞争Up6篇语网

36.advise v.Up6篇语网

advise+n./pron.advise+ doing advise sb.to do sth.Up6篇语网




一、单项填空 (共15小题,计15分)Up6篇语网

1. Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare, you must learn to_________.Up6篇语网

A. support B. care C. spare D. shareUp6篇语网

2. It was at 5 o’clock ______ the visitors finally arrived at Pudong International Airport.Up6篇语网

A. when B. that C. before D. afterUp6篇语网

3. Iraq has _________ too many wars since 1990, making his people ______ a lot.Up6篇语网

A. got through; pay B. looked through; faceUp6篇语网

C. gone through; suffer D. passed through; destroyUp6篇语网

4. Pack up the items you’d like ______ along and leave behind those you dislike ______ with you on your journey.Up6篇语网

A. to take; to take B. taking; taking C. to take; taking D. taking; to takeUp6篇语网

5. ----- How many times have you been to China?Up6篇语网

----- In fact, it is the first time I _________ here.Up6篇语网

A. was B. am C. had been D. have beenUp6篇语网

6. There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil.Up6篇语网

A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; whileUp6篇语网

7.I cannot spend ________ money on the car which is ________ expensive for me.Up6篇语网

A. too much; much too B. far too; too muchUp6篇语网

C. much too; too much D. too many; much tooUp6篇语网

8.In order to make progress in English, ________.Up6篇语网

A.it is necessary to buy a dictionaryUp6篇语网

B.a dictionary is necessaryUp6篇语网

C.a dictionary needs to be boughtUp6篇语网

D.I will buy a dictionaryUp6篇语网

9.-Have you finished your experiment report, Jane?Up6篇语网

-Oh, my God. I’ve _______ forgotten all about that.Up6篇语网

A. strongly B. extremely C. entirely D. freelyUp6篇语网

10. The mother asked her son ____________.Up6篇语网

A. what did he do the day before B. where did he find his lost walletUp6篇语网

C. What time he got up that morning D. that if he had finished his homeworkUp6篇语网

11.----- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it _____ purpose.Up6篇语网

-----That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _______ accident.Up6篇语网

A. on; by B. by ;by C. on; on D. by; onUp6篇语网

12. His wife told him __________ put it on her hand.Up6篇语网

A. don’t B. not to C. didn’t D. to notUp6篇语网

13. The recent rainy weather which we haven’t met with only _________ our difficulties.Up6篇语网

A. added to B. came to C. got close to D. added up toUp6篇语网

14. The flight to London was delayed ___________ the bad weather, which made my life worried.Up6篇语网

A. because of B. because C. since D. instead ofUp6篇语网

15.—I’m Albert Smith.Up6篇语网

—________. I’m Robert.Up6篇语网

A.It’s my pleasure B.What a pleasureUp6篇语网

C.I’m very pleased D.Pleased to meet youUp6篇语网

二、完形填空 (共小20题,计20分)Up6篇语网

About once a month I have to go to Degford for my work. One day I went into a hotel to have something to 16 . The waiter 17 my coat and put it in a small room.Up6篇语网

About an hour later I was 18 to go. The waiter 19 me my coat. 20 something fell out of the pocket onto the floor. It was a small white box. Then I took a good look at the 21 .“Oh, you’ve brought someone 22 coat.”I said to the waiter. “It looks very much like mine, 23 it is quite new, and this isn’t my box, either.”Up6篇语网

“Oh, then I 24 someone has taken your coat and left this.”said the waiter. “This kind of thing 25 sometimes.”Up6篇语网

I opened the box. There was a beautiful gold ring in it. So I went 26 to the police station.Up6篇语网

“ 27 lost a ring?”I asked.Up6篇语网

“Yes.”said a policeman,“A young man who came in this morning lost a ring, he lost it in London.”Up6篇语网

He 28 the young man. A few minutes later, the man arrived.Up6篇语网

“Yes, this is my ring.”he said,“How can I 29 you, sir? You see, I paid a lot of money for this ring and 30 I lost it on the train!”Up6篇语网

After I told him the 31 of the coat, he said, “You haven’t been on the train, I haven’t been in the hotel, so how did my ring 32 in the coat?”Up6篇语网

“Did 33 sit or stand next to you on the train?” asked the policeman.Up6篇语网

“Yes.”said the young man.“But I don’t remember his face.”Up6篇语网

“You may remember this coat.”said the policeman,“Was it like this one?”Up6篇语网

“Yes, it was.”said the young man,“But my friend here 34 the thief.”Up6篇语网

The policeman laughed.“ 35 ”He said.“The thief on the train stole your ring, and like our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food. Only he didn’t take the right coat away with him.”Up6篇语网

16.A.do B.buy C.eat D.deal withUp6篇语网

17.A.took B.found C.liked D.watchedUp6篇语网

18.A.anxious B.glad C.invited D.readyUp6篇语网

19.A.showed B.returned C.brought D.dressedUp6篇语网

20.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Obviously D.At onceUp6篇语网

21.A.ring B.box C.coat D.pocketUp6篇语网

22.A.lost B.missed C.new D.else’sUp6篇语网

23.A.but B.and C.instead D.forUp6篇语网

24. A.know B.wonder C.think D.findUp6篇语网

25. A.appears B.happens C.meets D.changesUp6篇语网

26. A.around B.about C.above D.alongUp6篇语网

27. A.Who B.Has she C.Has anyone D.Have youUp6篇语网

28. A.wrote to B.remembered C.telephoned D.knewUp6篇语网

29. A.return B.thank C.find D.helpUp6篇语网

30. A.then B.so C.yet D.howeverUp6篇语网

31. A.model B.price C.story D.sizeUp6篇语网

32. A.enter B.put C.set D.getUp6篇语网

33. A.no one B.someone C.everyone D.anyoneUp6篇语网

34. A.discovered B.isn’t C.has caught D.doesn’t knowUp6篇语网

35. A.I’m afraid not B.Yes C.No D.SurelyUp6篇语网

三、阅读理解 (4篇短文,选出正确选项,每题2分,共30分)Up6篇语网


I’m sure you know the song “Happy Birthday”. But do you know who wrote the song and for whom it was written?Up6篇语网

The retired professor, Archibald A. Hill in Lucasville, USA could tell us the story. Ninety-seven years ago, two of Mr. Archibald Hill’s aunts, Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were asked to write some songs for a book called “Song Storied for the Sunday Morning”. Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were both kindergarten teachers then. They loved children very much and wrote many beautiful songs for the book. One of them was the famous “Good Morning to You.” The song said, “Good morning to you, good morning to you, children, good morning to all.” This song was very popular at that time among kindergarten children. But not many grown-ups knew it. A few years later little Archibald was born. As his aunt, Miss Patty Hill sang the song “Happy Birthday” to the melody(曲调)of “Good Morning to you” to her little nephew(侄子). She sang the song like this: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, Archie! Happy birthday to you!Up6篇语网

Miss Patty Hill and her sister had never expected that this song would become so popular, but it really did. People all over the world like the song because of its simplicity in tune(曲调简单)and friendliness in words.Up6篇语网

36. Professor Archibald A. Hill was Miss Mildred Hill’s __________.Up6篇语网

A. son B. student C. brother D. nephewUp6篇语网

37. Why did Miss Hills wrote songs?Up6篇语网

A. Because they are musicians.Up6篇语网

B. Because they love children.Up6篇语网

C. Because they were asked to write for a book.Up6篇语网

D. Because their nephew asked them to do so.Up6篇语网

38. The sentence “it really did” means __________.Up6篇语网

A. The song really became popularUp6篇语网

B. Their wish would really come trueUp6篇语网

C. People all over the world like to listen to the songUp6篇语网

D. The song was not expected to become popular.Up6篇语网


When you cut your skin, you bleed(流血). If a person loses a lot of blood, he will become ill and may die. Blood is very important. People have always known that. At one time, some people even drank blood to make them strong!Up6篇语网

When doctors understand how blood goes around inside the body, they try ways of giving blood to people who need it. They take blood from the healthy people and give it to people who need it. This is called "blood transfusion". The blood goes from the arm of the healthy person into the arm of the sick person.Up6篇语网

But there are two problems. First, it does not always work. Sometimes people die when they have blood transfusion. Later, doctors find that we do not all have the same kind of blood. There are four groups—O, A, B and AB. We all have blood of one of these groups. They also find that they can give any kind of blood to people of group AB. But they find that they must give A-group blood to A-group people and B-group blood to B-group people. I have O-group blood and the doctor told me that I could give blood to anyone else safely.Up6篇语网

There is another problem. To give blood of the right kind, doctors have to find a person of the right blood group. Often they can not find a person in time. If they have a way to keep the blood until someone needs it, they can always have the right kind of blood. At first they find they can keep it in bottles for fifteen to twenty days. They do this by making it very cold. Then they find how to keep it longer. In the end they find a way of keeping blood for a very long time.Up6篇语网

We call a place where we keep money a "bank". We call a place where we keep blood a "blood bank". One day, when you grow up, you may decide to give blood to a "blood bank". In this way you may stop someone from dying. Or perhaps one day you may become ill. You may need blood. The "blood bank" will give it to you.Up6篇语网

39. From the passage, we learn that sometimes people die when they have blood transfusions because they .Up6篇语网

A. are unhealthy people B. have lost a lot of bloodUp6篇语网

C. are not given the right kind of blood D. are AB-group peopleUp6篇语网

40. Which of the following is true?Up6篇语网

A. Doctors can give any kind of blood to the writer.Up6篇语网

B. The writer can give blood to B-group people.Up6篇语网

C. The writer has never had a blood transfusion.Up6篇语网

D. The writer has the same kind of blood as his father.Up6篇语网

41. From the last paragraph (段落) of the passage, we learn that .Up6篇语网

A. the writer thinks it's good to give blood to a "blood bank"Up6篇语网

B. we may become ill if we give blood to a "blood bank"Up6篇语网

C. many people died because they lost a lot of bloodUp6篇语网

D. blood is more important than moneyUp6篇语网

42. The writer doesn't talk about in the passage.Up6篇语网

A. how important blood is to usUp6篇语网

B. the four groups of bloodUp6篇语网

C. where the blood bank isUp6篇语网

D. what "blood transfusion" isUp6篇语网


About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier; only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman!Up6篇语网

There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shadows of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green - a strange world indeed.Up6篇语网

Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones”. These help us to see in a bright light and to tell difference between colors. There are also millions of “rods”, but these are used for seeing when it is near dark. They show us shape but no color.Up6篇语网

Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes prefer blue to yellow. A red light will not attract insects, but a blue lamp will. In a similar way human beings also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of the cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day, and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible colors around us.Up6篇语网

43. The passage is mainly about _____________.Up6篇语网

A. color and its surprising effects. B. women being luckier than menUp6篇语网

C. danger caused by color blindness D. color blindnessUp6篇语网

44. According to the passage, with the help of the “cones”, we can_______________.Up6篇语网

A. tell different shapes B. see in a weak lightUp6篇语网

C. kill mosquitoes D. tell orange from yellowUp6篇语网

45. Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?Up6篇语网

A. Women are more careful.Up6篇语网

B. There are fewer color-blind womenUp6篇语网

C. Women are fonder of driving than men.Up6篇语网

D. Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.Up6篇语网

46. Which of the statements about the color- blind is true?Up6篇语网

A. Not all of them have the same problem in recognizing color.Up6篇语网

B. None of them can see deep red.Up6篇语网

C. None of them can tell the difference between blue and green.Up6篇语网

D. All of them see everything in shades of greenUp6篇语网


Dr. Martinez put on a false smile as she entered Janet Eslin’s hospital room. She couldn’t let Janet see that she was worried. Yet she had been searching for the cause of Janet’s illness and hadn’t found a clue (线索) .Up6篇语网

“How are you feeling today?” Dr. Martinez asked her patient. Janet replied that she felt about the same----terribly uncomfortable.Up6篇语网

The doctor tried to get Janet’s mind off her health by talking about Janet’s vacation at Lake Winnow. But Dr. Martinez couldn’t keep her own mind on the conversation. She kept wondering what could be wrong with her patient.Up6篇语网

Suddenly Janet’s words interrupted Dr. Martinez’s thoughts: “… the vacation was really perfect, except for the food. The last meal I ate was especially awful(糟糕的).”Up6篇语网

Dr. Martinez quickly snapped back into the conversation, “Janet, when did you eat that meal?” Janet said that it had been the day before yesterday.Up6篇语网

“I think we’ve discovered your problem,” Dr. Martinez said as she left. Several hours later, Dr. Martinez was back with the answer. “Janet, the food you ate made you ill. You’re suffering from food poisoning. Now that we know what’s wrong, we can take care of your problem.”Up6篇语网

47. What made Janet sick?Up6篇语网

A. an insect bite B. bad foodUp6篇语网

C. bad water D. cold weatherUp6篇语网

48. What is the main idea of the story?Up6篇语网

A. A doctor discovers what made Janet sick.Up6篇语网

B. Dr. Martinez becomes ill.Up6篇语网

C. Janet goes on vacation.Up6篇语网

D. A doctor talks to Janet in the hospital.Up6篇语网

49. Where did Janet go on her vacation?Up6篇语网

A. She took a trip to the city.Up6篇语网

B. She went camping in the mountains.Up6篇语网

C. She spent a week at the seashore.Up6篇语网

D. She took a trip to a lake.Up6篇语网

50. What does the underlined word “interrupted” mean?Up6篇语网

A. talked aboutUp6篇语网

B. told over againUp6篇语网

C. broke in while someone was talkingUp6篇语网

D. never stopped listening to the other personUp6篇语网

四、单词拼写 (共10小题,计10分)Up6篇语网

根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或中文意思,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式,注意单词形式的变化 (每空限填一词)。Up6篇语网

51. I don’t want to set down a s________ of facts in a diary as most people do.Up6篇语网

52. I am only able to look at nature through dirty c________ hanging before very dusty windows.Up6篇语网

53. So why has English changed over time? A__________ all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.Up6篇语网

54. These new setters enriched the English language and especially its v_______________.Up6篇语网

55. The t___________ and lightning seemed to have moved away, but the rain continued to pour.Up6篇语网

56. I’m very g__________ to all those who gave me a hand when I was in trouble.Up6篇语网

57. The boy told me to walk the dog o_________ for some time every day.Up6篇语网

58. Police are trying to discover the i________________ of a baby found by the side of a road.Up6篇语网

59. The man wore the dark glasses hoping no one would r__________ him.Up6篇语网

60. The climate is g_____________ becoming drier and warmer.Up6篇语网

五、短文改错 (找出多余的, 缺少的,错误的单词或短语,并改正) (计10分)Up6篇语网


I have just got some good news to tell to you. I win a national prize for painting last week. My father was so pleasing that he suggested I go to England for a holiday. I’d like to staying there for half a month, visiting place of interest or practicing my English as well. We’ve been writing to each for nearly one and a half year now. I have often dreamed of talk face to face with you. I imagine you’ll be at vacation yourself by that time. Perhaps we could go out to do some sightseeing together.Up6篇语网

Best wishes,Up6篇语网


六、书面表达 (共1题,计15分)Up6篇语网

假定你是李华,看到班上有部分同学在完成作业时,不自己独立完成而是抄袭他人的作业,针对这种现象,请你以My opinion on copying others’ homework为题谈谈你自己的看法。Up6篇语网

主 要原 因 个 人看 法Up6篇语网

作业多,偏难 抄袭不对,违反校规Up6篇语网

对功课不感兴趣,懒惰 要诚实,勤奋学习Up6篇语网

完成任务,使老师高兴 有困难可请教同学和老师Up6篇语网

注意:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;Up6篇语网

2. 短文标题与开头已为你写好,不计入总词数:Up6篇语网


My opinion on copying others’ homeworkUp6篇语网

It is known to us all that some students copy others’ homework. __________Up6篇语网












