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一. 选出你所听到的单词。(10分)zHY篇语网

( ) 1. A. what B. want C. menzHY篇语网

( ) 2. A. take B. talk C. bookmzHY篇语网

( ) 3. A. draw B. drink C. dancezHY篇语网

( ) 4. A.tomato B. potato C. dumplingzHY篇语网

( ) 5. A.behind B. beside C.betweetzHY篇语网


A B C D EzHY篇语网

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.zHY篇语网


( )1.A.Can you jump high? B. Can you jump far?zHY篇语网

( ) 2. A. How much is it? B.How many girls?zHY篇语网

( ) 3. A. The kids are singing. B. The children are dancing.zHY篇语网

( ) 4. A. Do you want some noodles? B. Do you want some rice?zHY篇语网

( ) 5. A. What are you drinking? B. What are they doing?zHY篇语网


四.根据词组找到相对应的图片,将序号写在选项里。( 10分)zHY篇语网

( )1. fast food A.zHY篇语网

( ) 2.listen to music B.zHY篇语网

( ) 3. read a book C.zHY篇语网

( ) 4.make dumplings D.zHY篇语网

( ) 5.play football E.zHY篇语网


( )1. Look at pictures.zHY篇语网

A. that B. these C. thiszHY篇语网

( ) 2. -Do you want some noodles? - I want some juice.zHY篇语网

A. Yes, I can . B. Yes, please. C. No, thank you.zHY篇语网

( ) 3. What are you doing? – I’m taijiquan.zHY篇语网

A. doing B. playing C. rowzHY篇语网

( ) 4. My mother making dumplings.zHY篇语网

A. am B. is C. arezHY篇语网

( ) 5. –Can you a bike ?zHY篇语网

A. riding B. rides C. ridezHY篇语网


( )1.Can he fly a kite? A. It’s at the station.zHY篇语网

( ) 2.Do you want some apples? B. No, he can’t.zHY篇语网

( ) 3. Where is the bus? C. I’m reading a book.zHY篇语网

( ) 4.What are you doing? D. It’s twenty yuan.zHY篇语网

( ) 5.How much is it? E. Yes, please.zHY篇语网


1. bike / they / a / riding / are ( . )zHY篇语网

2. is / Amy / what /doing ( ? )zHY篇语网

3. station / the / It’s / at ( . )zHY篇语网

4. Amy / play / can / football ( ? )zHY篇语网

5.rice / do / some / want / you ( ? )zHY篇语网

八.情景交际。( 10分 )zHY篇语网

A: 1 Where is the supermarket?zHY篇语网

B: 2 It’s near the bus station.zHY篇语网

A: Thank you .zHY篇语网

B: 3zHY篇语网

( in the supermarket )zHY篇语网

A: Look, Amy . 4zHY篇语网

B: Oh, it’s a toy car.zHY篇语网

A: 5zHY篇语网

B: It’s twenty-five yuan.zHY篇语网

A: Ok, let’s buy it.zHY篇语网

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.zHY篇语网

九.选词填空。( 10分)zHY篇语网

Let’s get on the bus, we can see lots of things. Look at the people in the park, they’re taijiquan. Look at the people on the lake, they’re a dragon boat. Look at the men between the trees, they’re chess. Look at these girls, they’re soya milk.zHY篇语网

十.阅读理解。( 10分 )zHY篇语网

This is the Bailu Park. There are many trees and flowers in it .We can see lots of interesting things .Look at the men .One is doing taijiquan. Another( 另一个人 ) is looking the him. Look at the young ( 年轻的) men. They are singing songs. Oh, what are the children doing? They are running. They are very happy.zHY篇语网

( ) 1. The people are .zHY篇语网

A. in the park B. in the supermarket C. in the schoolzHY篇语网

( )2. There are lots of in the park.zHY篇语网

A. birds B. trees and flowers C. dogszHY篇语网

( ) 3. An old man is .zHY篇语网

A. playing chess B. listening to music C.doing taijiquanzHY篇语网

( ) 4. Children are .zHY篇语网

A. running B. playing football C.drinking milkzHY篇语网

( ) 5. The young men are .zHY篇语网

A. dancing B .singing C. riding a bikezHY篇语网


写出单词的适当形式。( 10分 )zHY篇语网

1.-What is he doing ? -He is ( take ) pictures.zHY篇语网

2. Listen ! A bird is ( sing ).zHY篇语网

3. They are ( run ).zHY篇语网

4. I am ( ride ) a bike .zHY篇语网

5. Look ! Sam is ( swim ).zHY篇语网


一、Read and find. (找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。)zHY篇语网

( ) 1. A. teacher B. library C. art room D. music room.zHY篇语网

( ) 2. A. nice B. expensive C. pretty D. umbrellazHY篇语网

( ) 3. A. hurry B. dinner C. breakfast D. lunchzHY篇语网

( ) 4. A. hen B. horse C. animal D. sheepzHY篇语网

( ) 5. A. tomato B. farm C. carrot D. potatozHY篇语网

( ) 6. A. skirt B. jacket C. white D. dresszHY篇语网

( ) 7. A. baby B. whose C. what D. wherezHY篇语网

( ) 8. A. weather B. sunny C. snowy D. warmzHY篇语网

( ) 9. A. yours B. ours C. mine D. clotheszHY篇语网

( ) 10. A. hot B. cool C. sun D. coldzHY篇语网

二、Read and judge. (判断划线部分的发音是否一致,一致的画“√”,不一致的画“×”。)zHY篇语网

( ) 1. horse homework ( ) 2. girl nurse ( ) 3.dinner eraserzHY篇语网

( ) 4. little table ( ) 5. car wallzHY篇语网

三、Read and choose. (单项选择。)zHY篇语网

( ) 1. I like ________ white shorts. _______ nice.zHY篇语网

A. this; It’s B. those; They’re C. those; It’szHY篇语网

( ) 2. It’s very cold .______ your coat.zHY篇语网

A. Take off B. Put on C. Put awayzHY篇语网

( ) 3.--- How _____ horses do you have?zHY篇语网

--- Seventeen.zHY篇语网

A. mine B. much C. manyzHY篇语网

( ) 4. It’s 12 o’clock. It’s time ____ lunch.zHY篇语网

A. for B. to C. ofzHY篇语网

( ) 5. --- Where _____ my sunglasses?zHY篇语网

--- They’re the floor.zHY篇语网

A. are; in B. is; on C. are; onzHY篇语网

( ) 6. --- Are these green beans?zHY篇语网

--- _______.zHY篇语网

A. Yes, they are. B. No, they are. C. Yes, it is.zHY篇语网

( ) 7. These are _______ and ________.zHY篇语网

A. tomatos; carrots B. tomatoes; carrot C. tomatoes; carrotszHY篇语网

( ) 8. Whose sweater is this?____zHY篇语网

A. It’s my. B. It’s my sister. C. It’s my brother’s.zHY篇语网

( ) 9. --- ______ do you like this scarf?zHY篇语网

--- It’s very pretty.zHY篇语网

A. What B. Whose C. HowzHY篇语网

( ) 10. --- Can I ________?zHY篇语网

--- Sure. Here you are.zHY篇语网

A. try on them B. try them on C. like themzHY篇语网

四、Look, read and write. (根据所给图片的提示写出单词或短语,将句子补充完整。)zHY篇语网

1. It’s in London.zHY篇语网

2. --- Are these goats?zHY篇语网

--- No, they aren’t. They are .zHY篇语网

3. --- That skirt is pretty. How much is it?zHY篇语网

--- It’s 399 yuan.zHY篇语网

---Oh, it’s too .zHY篇语网

4. The are so big.zHY篇语网

5. It’s 12 o’clock. It’s time for .zHY篇语网

五、Read and choose. (读句子,选择合适的答语,将字母代号填在括号里。)zHY篇语网

( ) 1. What are those? A. It’s next to the library.zHY篇语网

( ) 2.Are these carrots? B. It’s five o’clock.zHY篇语网

( ) 3. Where is the teacher’s office? C. It’s cold.zHY篇语网

( ) 4. What time is it? D. They’re horses.zHY篇语网

( ) 5.What’s the weather like in Sydney? E. Yes, they are.zHY篇语网

六、Read and judge. (看图片,读句子,与图片内容相符的画“√”,不相符的画“×”。)zHY篇语网

( )1. Hang up your dress.zHY篇语网

( ) 2. --- Do you like green beans?zHY篇语网

--- Yes, I do.zHY篇语网

( ) 3. It’s time for English class.zHY篇语网



( ) 4. It’s cold and snowy in Beijing.zHY篇语网

( ) 5. ---What time is it?zHY篇语网

--- It’s two o’clock.zHY篇语网

七、Read and choose.(读一读,找出选项完成对话。)zHY篇语网


B: Yes, These shoes are nice. 2.__________ Size 6, please.zHY篇语网

A: Of course. 3._________zHY篇语网

B: Are they OK?zHY篇语网

B: Yes. They’re just right. 4.___________zHY篇语网

A: They’re 300 yuan.zHY篇语网

B: Oh, 5.______________zHY篇语网

八、Read and write. (连词成句。)zHY篇语网

1. green beans those Are (?)zHY篇语网

2. time It’s go to home (.)zHY篇语网

3. I help Can you (?)zHY篇语网

4. those are Whose pants (?)zHY篇语网

5. is How this much dress (?)zHY篇语网

九、Read and choose. (阅读短文,判断正T误F。)zHY篇语网

My grandpa has a farm. The farm is very big and beautiful. There are many animals on the farm. There are ten horses, seven goats, nine cows and many hens. The cows are black and white. The goats are white. The hens are very fat. My grandpa likes vegetables. So there are a lot of potatoes, green beans, carrots and tomatoes. I like potatoes. My sister likes green beans. We all like this farm very much.zHY篇语网

( )1. My grandpa has a big farm.zHY篇语网

( )2. There are ten horses, seven sheep, nine cows and many hens on the farm.zHY篇语网

( )3. The goats are black and white.zHY篇语网

( )4. I like tomatoes.zHY篇语网

( )5. My sister and I like this farm very much.zHY篇语网

十、Look and write. (看图,仿写句子。一定要注意书写格式。)zHY篇语网


These are sheep.zHY篇语网


例: They are expensive.zHY篇语网



These are John’s shoes.zHY篇语网


例: What time is it?zHY篇语网

It’s seven o’clock.zHY篇语网



一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)zHY篇语网

( )1、A.black B.bike C.bread D.bagzHY篇语网

( )2、A.what B.watch C.where D.whosezHY篇语网

( )3、A.pink B.purple C.brown D.yellowzHY篇语网

( )4、A.meat B.rice C.noodles D.soupzHY篇语网

( )5、A.cake B.cookies C.eggs D.donutzHY篇语网


A.black B.white C.green D.brown E.orangezHY篇语网

F.purple G.write H.red I.pink J.readzHY篇语网


三、听录音,判断与图片是否相符。(10分)X kb 1.comzHY篇语网

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )zHY篇语网


( )1.What`s your favourite food for lunch ?zHY篇语网

( )2.What`s her favourite colour ?zHY篇语网

( )3.I don`t like my dessert ?zHY篇语网

( )4.I like purple shorts.zHY篇语网

( )5.These are pink erasers.zHY篇语网


一、 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(10分)zHY篇语网

1.too(同音词) 2.four(同音词) 3.write(现在分词)zHY篇语网

4.white(反义词) 5.we(形容词性的物主代词)zHY篇语网


( )1.去上学 A. go school B. go to schoolzHY篇语网

( )2.sing songs A.跳舞 B.唱歌zHY篇语网

( )3.in the library A. 在教室 B.在图书馆zHY篇语网

( )4.吃早餐 A.have breakfast B.have lunchzHY篇语网

( )5.回家 A.go home B.go to homezHY篇语网

( )6.play basketball A.打乒乓球 B.打篮球zHY篇语网

( )7.一首新歌 A.an old song B.a new songzHY篇语网

( )8.黑色的头发 A.brown hair B.black hairzHY篇语网

( )9.教师节 A.Teachers`s Day B.Children`s DayzHY篇语网

( )10.五月一日 A.May one B.May firstzHY篇语网


A.No,I like skirts.zHY篇语网

B.Green is my favourite .zHY篇语网

C.I like dumplings and noodles .zHY篇语网

D.My favourite school work is to draw pictures .zHY篇语网

E.Ice cream .zHY篇语网

( )1.What`s your favourite school work ?zHY篇语网

( )2.Do you like shorts ?zHY篇语网

( )3.What`s your favourite colour ?zHY篇语网

( )4.What`s your favourite food for lunch ?zHY篇语网

( )5.What`s for dessert ?zHY篇语网


( )1.当你得到别人的帮助时,你应该说: .zHY篇语网

A.You`re welcome . B.Thank you . C.Goodbye .zHY篇语网

( )2.你家来客时,你应该说: .zHY篇语网

A.Goodbye . B.Welcome. C.Yes, you are right.zHY篇语网

( )3、当你想对别人的的意见表示赞同时,应说: .zHY篇语网

A.Yes, you are right . B.Welcome . C.How are you .zHY篇语网

( )4、你在打扰别人之前,应先说: .zHY篇语网

A.OK. B.Excuse me . C.Sorry .zHY篇语网

( )5.别人向你道谢时,你应该说: .zHY篇语网

A.Thanks . B.You`re welcome . C.That`s wrong .zHY篇语网

( )6.想表达“它是一座漂亮的房子“时,应说: .zHY篇语网

A.It`s a house . B.It`s a nice horse . C.It`s a nice house.zHY篇语网

( )7.你想赞美对方新买的衣服,应说: .zHY篇语网

A.How are you ? B.Welcome . C.How nice .zHY篇语网

( )8.你想知道昨天的天气时,应该说: .zHY篇语网

A.What was the weather like yesterday ? B.What is the weather like yesterday ? C.How is the weather yesterday ?zHY篇语网

( )9.如果你打扰了对方,你向对方道谦,应说: .zHY篇语网

A.Excuse me . B.Sorry . C.OK .zHY篇语网

( )10.别人向你道歉时,你应说: .zHY篇语网

A.Thank you . B.It doesn`t matter . C.Don`t say that.zHY篇语网


1.I like socks .(变成否定句)zHY篇语网

2.You like a skirt. I like a skirt,too.(合成一句话)zHY篇语网

3.Her favourite colour is red .(对画线部分提问)zHY篇语网

4.I like green ,I like brown .(合成一句话)zHY篇语网

5.This is a brown monkey .(变成一般疑问句)zHY篇语网


My name is Zhang Li ,I`m twelve years old . I`m 1.4 Mettres tall .I have three good friends : Li Ming ,Zhao Qiang and Du Hai .Li MingzHY篇语网

likes to jump with skipping rope . Zhao Qiang likes to play baskeball .zHY篇语网

Du Hai likes to play on the computer .I likes to play football . OurzHY篇语网

favourite colour is blue .zHY篇语网

( )1.I`m years old .zHY篇语网

A.10 B.11 C.10zHY篇语网

( )2.I have good friends .zHY篇语网

A.1 B.2 C.3zHY篇语网

( )3.Zhang Li likes to .zHY篇语网

A.play basketball B.play football C.play ping-pongzHY篇语网

( )4. is our favourite colour .zHY篇语网

A.Black B.Blue C.GreenzHY篇语网

( )5. likes to play on the computer .zHY篇语网

A.Li Ming B.Zhang Qiang C.Du HaizHY篇语网




★ 四年级下册英语期中练习题两套zHY篇语网

★ 小学四年级英语测试题精选三篇zHY篇语网

★ 冀教版四年级下册英语教案模板zHY篇语网

★ 2024年四年级下册暑假英语作业答案汇总大全zHY篇语网

★ 刚刚版冀教版四年级英语上册教案模板zHY篇语网

★ 刚刚冀教版四年级上册英语教案模板zHY篇语网

★ 四年级上册英语第一单元测试卷及答案zHY篇语网

★ 各版本2024四年级寒假英语作业答案参考zHY篇语网

★ 刚刚版冀教版四年级英语上册教案范文总汇zHY篇语网

★ 四年级英语阅读理解练习题及答案zHY篇语网






